Best Halloween Costumes for 2009

It’s October! And you know what that means: Halloween!skeleton mask

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. When I was a kid, it was all about the candy. Now that I’m in college, it’s about having a better costume than my friends. My first costume when I was a baby was a pea-pod. I remember being a butterfly for four years in a row when I was 6-10. I like to think that my costume ideas have improved since my childhood; however, last year’s attempts to turn a black cocktail dress into a “Desperate Housewife” didn’t really turn out too well.

This year, I plan on picking my costume from one of the following lists of the top costumes for 2009.

Top Women’s Costumes for 2009:

1. Girl Next Door- Go as your favorite Girl Next Door from the Playboy mansion. Turn this in to a sexy couple’s costume if you have a Hugh Hefner wanna-be, or a twin sister!

2. Fairy Costume– You can be Tinkerbell, the Tooth Fairy, or just a cute forest sprite. The options are endless and all you really need is a wand and wings.

3. Real Housewife- Choose Atlanta, New Jersey or a city near you. Be sure to wear a lot of attitude and heels.

4. Nurse– Grey’s Anatomy might be one of the hottest TV shows today. You can be realistic or imaginative with this costume. Either way, eight more years of school are not necessary.

Top Men’s Costumes for 2009:

1. Michael Jackson– He was the King of Pop. Now he’s the King of Halloween. Slip on a white glove and start practicing your moonwalk now. You’ll own the dance floor when “Thriller” comes on. Other posthumous costumes could include Ed McMahon, Billy Mays or Patrick Swayze.

2. Gangster– With video games and Facebook applications portraying the life of a “gangsta” as fun, it’s a small wonder that this is a popular costume this year.

3. Star Trek– Star Trek was quite possibly the best movie that came out this summer, in my opinion! Pay homage to Trekkies everywhere and dress up as Fearless Leader Captain James T. Kirk!

4. Russell Brand- If you can handle the leather pants for the night, then grab a can of Aqua Net hairspray and start teasing your wig.

5. Where the Wild Things Are– Max could start a wild rumpus at any party, and even bring along a few wild thing friends. Other big kids’ movies this year that are worth an appearance at your grown-up party include Buzz or Woody from Toy Story, the old man from UP!, Transformers, or Alvin and the Chipmunks.

kanye and taylorTop Couple’s Costumes for 2009:

1. Kanye West and Taylor Swift– This might not be the best costume if you want to keep your relationship in-tact all night, but it sure will get some laughs.

2. Edward and Bella – From the Twilight book and movie series comes one of the hottest couples of the year. And the vampire teeth and fake blood are kind of fun, too.

3. Barack Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize– One of you needs a suit, tie and charismatic smile, the other needs a solid gold outfit.

4. Jon & Kate Gosselin– Going together or separate, this paparazzi-favored couple and parents of eight requires an Ed Hardy T-shirt and a funky blonde wig.

5. Mad Men– A Don Draper costume can turn anyone into a charmer. Attend the party with Mrs. Draper, or one of his many mistresses.

Also Read:

Best Halloween Costumes for 2010

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